
Not everyone can go to seminary.
But seminary reading can be made available

to all.

  • Journal Articles

    academic publications on reading with our affections… a special concentration on bible passages that deal with abuse of women

  • Sermons

    collected homilies preached all over the world in various settings that you can read now

  • Bible Helps

    information that can help you better understand the beloved Scriptures and therein better understand God and our faith

  • the Blog

    from home and from the heart.
    Casey’s informal thoughts in a more devotional style


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Reading alone is WONDERFUL, but true faith formation and theological understanding happens in community. Bring all your questions and comments to the table!

Casey will be happy to chat with you about your inquiries and questions. Just click the button below, and in the message section, share a little about that you’re interested in or what tipped your curiosity. All wonderings are welcome!

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